Wheelchair Powerpack Plus

Wheelchair Powerpack Plus

Regular price with VAT Relief with VAT Relief £1,150.00 with VAT Relief (£1,380.00 Inc.VAT) Sale

TGA Wheelchair Powerpack Plus is quick and easy to fit to a transit wheelchair. Make pushing a transit wheelchair a distant memory with this labour saving wheelchair power add-on. Use your thumb to control the Powerpack Plus, walk behind the wheelchair and let the 24v 200w motor do the hard work of propelling the wheelchair forwards.

Make those days out more enjoyable and less taxing. The TGA Powerpack Plus is designed to take the hard work out of pushing a transit wheelchair and rider around. The Powerpack Plus will take the strain for up to 10 miles on a single charge.

The Plus model provides extra power to cater for riders of up to 32 stone, the highest user weight rating for a wheelchair power add-on on the market today.

Though small and easy to manage, the Powerpack Plus has a maximum speed of 3 mph.

The Powerpack Plus weighs only 7.85kg (17.3lbs) without battery. The battery weighs only 8.85kg (19.5lbs).

Also available are the single wheel Powerpack Solo, the dual wheel Powerpack Duo and the heavy duty Powerpack Duo HD.

Call our team today to see if the TGA Wheelchair Powerpack Plus fits your needs

  • A market leading 32 st weight capacity
  • Up to 10 miles in range
  • Advanced soft-start/stop technology
  • Compact shape that fits further under wheelchairs for unhindered walking
  • 3mph top speed
  • Quick to install and simple to detach
  • Robust design yet light in weight
  • 2-year peace of mind warranty
  • Unsurpassed reliability and performance
  • Fits nearly all wheelchairs with 100s of bracket options available
  • 10,000s sold worldwide
  • Usage counter for easier servicing